Fertilizing Services
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Tips for a healthy lawn.
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574-294-2010 or 1-800-LAWNCARE
Proper fertilization is necessary to maintain color, density, and vigor of your lawn. The healthier the lawn, the better it can withstand the stresses of heat, drought, and pets. A dark green lawn is often the homeowner’s goal, but the darkest green lawn is not always the healthiest. The most important goal is to achieve a healthy lawn that has moderate growth and good density.

NatureScape Services can adjust the applications to slightly more or less nutrients depending on the following factors:
- Individual preference: A beautiful, dark green, dense lawn will require more fertilizer, and will also necessitate more mowing and irrigation.
- Weather: A rainy season will stimulate growth and will mean more fertilizer applications than a dry season. The same is true for an irrigated lawn versus a non-irrigated lawn.
- Age and quality of existing lawn: A new lawn will need more fertilizer for the first few years to enhance density. Improving a thin or undernourished lawn will also require more fertilizer for the first few years.
- Clippings: Clippings should always be returned to the lawn. They will act as an additional fertilizer and will enrich the lawn further. (However, there are times where it becomes necessary to remove clippings due to weather conditions and time of year.)
- Lawn Programs– We offer seasonal lawn programs
- Optional Services– Lawn Aeration, Prevent Grub control, Insect control, Ground Ivy control, Nutsedge control, Disease control, Geese control, Vegetation control, and Bedweed control.
We also offer organic programs, great for disease problems as well as thatch buildup!